Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Victory for Grizzlies

Thanks to a federal court ruling last week, grizzly bears living in the Rocky Mountains will continue to be considered endangered species. The species was taken off the Endangered Species List in 2007 by the Fish and Wildlife Service. But, the Fish and Wildlife Service ignored clear threats to the animal's food supply. Grizzlies' food supply has decreased due to climate change and the destruction of whitebark pine forests. When the Fish and Wildlife Service took the animal off of the list, they argued that the grizzlies would continue to do well without the pine forests. This theory was totally false and was proved wrong with much evidence and research. Finally, after the court ruling last week, grizzly bears are now back where they should be.

I, being the animal lover that I am, was immediately attracted to this article right when I saw the title. The author of this editorial, Andrew Rosenthal, was very happy with the decision made my the federal court. He strongly believes that the animals deserve to be there. He closes the editorial by saying, "All the more reason to make sure the bear stays on the Endangered Species List." Rosenthal is very persuasive in this editorial and makes you agree with his point of view. 

Click here to view the editorial


  1. I love them too! :( I hope we never see the day when they are extinct.

  2. Glad another species was put back on the endangered species list! As many animals as possible need to be protected because of the destruction of environments!
